IGMCHT10.ZIP Compiled by Suzanne Franklin (Kiteria) UPDATED 7/13/97 Most Special thanks to Bryan Turner SysOps of Pegasus Flight formally of RabbitLand II, for believing in me when I didn't even know I existed! Love ya Sunshine!! ;) You are free to upload this file to any BBS and/or share it with your friends. All the author request is that nothing be taken out of context without due credit to the author, and that nothing be altered in anyway. **ACROSS THE TRACKS** In version 4 THE ORIGINAL, Find the bum, and give him some money. Type in -2,000,000,000 for your amount. You will be given 2 billion in hand. The author repaired this with version 5.0. The second version fixed the "old man" cheat but not the cheat that has to do with giving more money than you have to the two children in the Adoption Agency. With this one just make sure that you bet and/or give more money than you have, and that includes everything in the LORD bank as well as in hand. Exit the IGM, then exit the game, when you return you will have 2 billion gold in hand. **ARAGON'S TIMER 1.0** You'll need another player's cooperating with you. If you think that no-one else has played Aragon's Timer today, you should enter and exit the IGM alone without playing the game to make sure the data file is reset. Once you have done that, both of you should enter Aragon's Timer. You play the game; your partner doesn't. You exit back to LORD first, then your partner exits to LORD (Precise timing is a must, since you may not be able to talk to each other.) Now that you're both in LORD, it's time to go back to Aragon's Timer. Both of you enter Aragon's Timer. Your partner plays the game; you don't. Your partner exits Aragon's Timer first, then you exit Aragon's Timer second. The result: If you're both good at Aragon's Timer, both of you have increased your wealth by 50%. Here's the cool part: if you followed the above instructions, Aragon's Timer will have NO record of either of you playing the game! That's right...both of you can go back and play Aragon's Timer FOREVER!...or until you run out of time...or the SysOp catches you. :) This worked for me locally under Aragon's Timer 1.0. (I had two LORD games running under two different windows in win3.11.) I don't know of any updates to Aragon's Timer. **CITY OF EROS** submitted by Noriko The current, yes CURRENT version of City of Eros! Go in and go to Jasmine's Spa (I think it's called). Make sure you have a little money. Keep pressing Massage or the more expensive sauna a million times -- you get experience points in 25 increments and 50 increments in the latter. Okay, you don't have to press it a million times, but the more you press the more experience you get and you can return to the IGM as many times as you like. Now when you exit, look at your stats and see a negative amount -- of course you've exceeded your cash on hand in the Spa, but who cares! Exit the game for a sec and when you reenter, bingo! You've got 2,000,000,000 gold in hand! If you have patience, keep going back to the Spa! **FAIRY TOWN** SPECIAL FEATURE submitted by Loyd Bulmur The way to get past all three Giants is: Prior to entering the IGM, have at least one gem in your possession. Try to have over-scale hit points (either through an IGM or JENNIE-HOTT). The following sequence -> must <- be followed. alk to the Fairy ollow the Giant's Footsteps: defeat # 1 ollow the Giant's Footsteps a second time: defeat # 2 ffer the Fairy a gem. No matter how many potions you receive, drink only the ellow one. Your hit points, which will have been depleted through defeating the first two Giants, will be restored. ollow the Giant's Footsteps for the third time. Upon defeating it, you will receive the bonus, which is an appearance by the Trojan Warrior (for femmes) or the Amazon Warrior (for males). The bonus is a random thing, which usually includes some gems, some gold, and a goodly number of experience points. **JEWELER'S SHOPPE,THE** submitted by Nicole Willson Go into the Skills Training Center in the Jeweler's Shoppe. (I took the Mystical Skills training I'm not sure how this would work for the other two types of training.) You have to pay 1000 gp for each turn, so you should make sure that you only have about 1000 or 2000 gp in hand. The training for Mystical Skills is a number-guessing game. The first time, I guessed right and got about 30 gems. The second time, I guessed wrong, and ended up with negative gold in hand. Quit the game entirely and when you re-enter you'll have 2 billion gold in hand. **JUANCHO'S PARADISE** submitted by Ann Labuda When you enter Juancho's Paradise, go to the Forest and use all thirty of your fights. You NEVER lose a fight and each time you get x amount of strength and x amount of gems (x being a number between 1 and 99). After using up all of your forest fights there (you're given 30), leave the forest and talk to the man in the corner. He'll give you a riddle with the answer scrambled, and the letters contained in the answer will be given to you. EX: Snap! Better when wet! OLTEW ANS: TOWEL (Note: They're all that easy) He'll let you guess five riddles then tell you that you can't play any more today. Then, go to the Church and Pray to Juancho the Taco God (or God of Tacos, I forget exactly how it's worded). Each time you pray to Juancho, you'll get x amount of strength, defense, gems, or charm. (Here, x is a number between 0 and 99) There is NO LIMIT to how many times you can pray to him per day other than how much time your SysOp has allotted you to be on his/her board. If you exit Juancho's Paradise at any point and go back in, you'll have 30 more forest fights in there, and 5 more riddles to answer, plus of course the unlimited prayers. **JOURNEY TO THE CASTLE OF L.O.R.D.** In version 2.00 dated 8/24/95 You can sell negative gems. Sell -32000 gems, and you will be given 32000 of them. You can then take them back to the regular LORD and trade them to the bartender for strength, defense, and hit points. THIS HAS BEEN REPAIRED in version 2.10: Please do this author the courtesy of using only the most recent release of his works on your BBS. **KNIGHT'S OF THE GOLDEN HORSESHOE** In the original version KNIGHT55.ZIP, Go to the bank and deposit -2000000000 it will give it to you on hand. THIS HAS BEEN REPAIRED in version KNIGHT65.ZIP: Please do this author the courtesy of using only the most recent release of his works on your BBS. NOTE OF WARNING: Cheaters are SEVERELY punished in the newest version. **LORD HUNTER** v1.01 enter amount in negative gold **LORD'S PIT, THE** v2.50 If you exit and re-enter it, your Arena Fights go back up to 25. **LORD'S REALM** The original version WW-LRO11.ZIP version 11 Enter the store and ask to buy anything. When it asks how much you want say 100,000. It will say that it will charge you -$xxxxxxx (A lot of cash). Agree and you will come out of the store with TONS of cash. For example if you had 800 strength and you bought 100,000 strength you would end up with -30,000 strength and about 100 mil. To make it go positive buy another 100,000. You will end up with 2500 strength. But be careful though, because you can start to go into negative cash. If that happens just buy or sell 100,000 forest fights until positive again. This trick basically gives you anything you want! You can get HUGE amounts of charm, and using the change sex option, you can marry both Seth Able and Violet. Lord's Realm v0.12 105 KB is listed, but I do not know if it repairs any of the above. **LOVE SHACK, THE** LOVE110.ZIP Version 1.10, LOVE120.ZIP Version 1.20 Go in Love Shack, and go to the Lounge or Bar. Order the most expensive drink. It SHOULD say that a thief comes and knocks you out, and steals all your money. You now exit the IGM, then exit the game. The next time you enter LORD, you will have 2 billion gold on hand. IF you go into the bank before you exit the game, you will cancel your negative gold in hand, and be given $100. gold. **MAIL CODES** `S - for skills `k - for kids `{ - for lays `} - for charm The above all that work for normal play. You must have access to any IGM that allows the name change of your weapon. Write in `Ssword name, NOTHING else!! Then every time you check your stats, your skills will go up, or what ever of the four you have selected. **MIRROR OF ILLUSION** In the original version, MOI18.ZIP version 18, IF the game is registered, then press "c" when the first "" prompt pops up. Enter noisullI fO rorriM" (Mirror Of Illusion backwards) and pick the 2429 Town. You will be able to bet on fights. Place a bet of "-2000000000" gold and hope you will lose the fight. If not, you will still get over 200 million gold...but not the 2 billion. If you are satisfied, then leave...if not, stay and continue to try and get your 2 billion gold. THIS HAS BEEN REPAIRED with version MOI20.ZIP please do this author the courtesy of using only the most recent release of his works. **NAPPING OCEAN'S ADVENTURE** NOAD20.ZIP Go to the IGM bank, and DEPOSIT -2000000000, return to the LORD bank, then exit. You now have 2 billion gold in the bank, and 200,000,000 in your hand. If you chose to not go for that much gold, you can place a with drawl of -2000000000, and this will give you the same amount in the positive. You can also go to the Dolphin Rest Inn, talk to the bartender, tip him -1000000000 and he'll give it back in the positive. **OASIS OF EL-SAYAN** OASIS-07.ZIP Go into the IGM with no money, go to the bazaar and buy slave children it will cost a negative amount, with that you GET the gold and the child. I believe this only works for Level 7 and above. THIS HAS BEEN REPAIRED, OASIS-09.ZIP, Please do this author the courtesy of using only the most recent release of his works on your BBS. **RED DRAGON GAMBLING CASINO** Original version RDCAS16.ZIP, you could use the negative number betting. THIS HAS BEEN REPAIRED with version 1.7. Please do this author the courtesy of using only the most recent release of his works on your BBS. **SANDTIGER'S BAR** SBAR102.ZIP. A NOTE OF WARNING Sandtiger's Bar v2.00 65 KB (Unofficial) (and I'm sure there is 1 or 2 more) There are several different versions of this IGM, don't just automatically sell everything and jump in there thinking you are going to make billions in minutes. ORIGINAL VERSION: You can sell your armor and weapon in the LORD game and go into Sandtiger's and sell your "fists" and "nothing" for around 2.4 million each. Then you go back to the LORD game weapon and armor shop, sell the Sandtiger's weapon and armor, go back and do it again. It's very easy to make big money in this version. SECOND VERSION: Start this when you are LEVEL 1 and ready to sell your armor. Remember, check it out first, because of the different versions. Have only $1500 gold, "fist" for weapon, (this one doesn't work on armor.) Go to the shop and sell your weapon, IF the salesman doesn't ask you if you want to sell your "fist" for a quoted amount, then purchase it 19 more times, (that's 20 all together) Napalm does it for 40. Then exit the IGM, go into the bank, do nothing, exit the bank then return. You should have 200,000,000. gold in the bank now. IF you have a negative amount in hand and nothing in the bank, exit the IGM and then go back in, that will give you 2,000,000,000. gold. Be sure that when you start this you only have $1500. in the bank do not have any more or any less or it will not work. With the gold you make from these two versions, you can purchase your stats, and skills and charm for very little gold. THIRD VERSION: This one has to be started at level 1, it will not give you big gold, but it will give you level 12 stats by the time you are at Level 7. Sell armor and weapon, go to Sandtiger's IGM and purchase "Sling Shot" and "Lead Pan". The purchase price is $500. go to LORD weapon and armor shop and sell each for $1500. With this version, you make a profit and your stats go up each time you purchase, and they do not drop when you sell. Stick with the first and second weapons and armors, otherwise you'll be spending more than your making. FOURTH VERSION: At level one, when you are ready to sell your armor, sell it in the LORD game, then go to Sandtiger's, armor dealer, and see if he will buy your "nothing" for a tidy sum. If so, have at least enough gold to purchase a "Sling Shot" based on what amount the old woman's exchange of 'bar coin's to gold coins' is. Sell your "nothing" to the armor dealer and go purchase a Sling Shot. Leave the IGM, go to the LORD weapon's dealer sell the Sling Shot. Return to Sandtiger's armor dealer, sell your "nothing" purchase a Sling shot again, go back to the LORD weapon's dealer again, sell the sling shot again...etc...etc. Got it? Your strength keeps going up and not dropping, plus you keep selling "nothing" for all that gold. **SUNSHINE'S FAIRYLAND** SFAIRY20.ZIP SFAIRY23.ZIP One or both of these allows purchasing with the use of the negative numbers. THIS HAS BEEN REPAIRED SFAIRY25.ZIP Please do this author the courtesy of using only the most recent release of his works on your BBS. **SKILL TRAINING CENTER** SKILL104.ZIP In the section for Mystical Skills, if you are allowed to start first, choosing 1, 2, 7, & 4 will win every time. If the old man starts first, 8, 9, 3, & 6 will win every time. **THOR'S BACK ALLEY BAR** BA401.ZIP (Napalm Runner's Version) Go to any of the little area's in there. When asked for your percentage of ingredients, type in any numbers that end up with a value of 100. For example, you would type in -32000 for the first one, and 32100 for the second one, and 0 for the rest. More then likely, you will be offered to buy it at a negative amount, and if you pick the right percentages, you will also get the special attribute also, like the strength, defense, hit points, experience, and/or charm. This works great in the "Bathroom", because after you've exhausted your number of buys, return to the previous menu then go back in, and start buying again. KITERIA'S VERSION: Go into the bathroom, select 99 of Purple Pedals, and 0 to the rest, it will say it cost a negative amount, say yes and you will GET that money plus what you are purchasing. This works with every one of the "Bathroom" item's except Goober Grass. Every forth time, you must leave the bathroom, but you can go right back in. THIS HAS BEEN REPAIRED: BA506.ZIP v5.06 Please do this author the courtesy of using only the most recent release of his works on your BBS. Submitted by Carin M. Armlin Go into Thor's BackAlley Bar (take at least $100000 with you), and (F)ind A Stud. After you buy one, you should be left with a negative amount of gold on hand (it's happened to me every time at least). Exit the IGM, and Quit LORD w/out going to the bank. Re-enter the game, and you'll have $2 billion gold on hand. Oh, as far as I know, you have to be a female to do this, so if there is another IGM that allows you to change your sex, or for someone to change it for you, do that first. SPECIAL FUNCTION: Go to the Dark Cloaked Figure and type "dick", no quote marks. You will receive 100 charm. IF you have OVER 100 charm, you will be reduced to 100 charm, so don't do it if you don't need it. **TURGON'S HOUSE**THOUSE25.ZIP When you are given the option of either trading in your weapon or armor for another one, do not trade up for a better weapon/armor. If you do it will only make you weaker. You are given the weapon/armor, but not the strength and defense associated with it. Trade in for a weaker weapon or armor if possible. That way, when you sell your weapon/armor for a better one, you will not lose as much strength/defense. This will make more sense once you start doing it. You can rack up tons of strength and defense this way. There is a newer version, Turgon's House v2.80 I cannot say that it repairs this or not. SPECIAL FEATURE submitted by Mary Jane Frank I found out that when you are in Turgon's House you can break into his room if you are a thief (otherwise you get the message "You need a key"). Also, if you open the closet and the fairies come out, you try to grab one and it says "You will be humiliated for life" your sex changes! This can really screw up your love life! ;) **UNDERGROUND, THE** UNDERV1.ZIP version 1.01 and Underground v1.20 Enter with at least 1 gold. Go to the gambling area, and wager a negative amount of gold. Depending on what level you are on, is important as to how much you should wager. When asked to pick a number between 1 and ten, pick "11". You'll lose. Continue for the rest of your turns. With the money you just earned, enter the Wizard's area. CAUTION: If you are at a low level, and you bet a very high amount, you should go and deposit the gold in the LORD bank, and other banks as well if available. If you don't, when you enter the Wizard's area, it will immediately throw you into the negative, forcing all your purchases to be NEGATIVE. This is not good. This IGM is so choked with easy cheating, that you can cheat yourself if you're not careful!!!! While here, you may also make your name blink or invisible. Pick for a name change, enter a "`b" before your name to make it blink red or "`y" for yellow or simply a color code to make it invisible but you will not be able to receive mail unless you write it first. **VILLAGE OF THE PHOENIX** VOTP-10D.ZIP VOTP-14.ZIP On older versions, there's a way to get an instant 2 billion gold. Go to the innkeeper and give him a tip of (negative) -2000000000" or so. This cheat is 'high' or 'low' spirit reactive. THIS HAS BEEN REPAIRED in version v1.50a Please do this author the courtesy of using only the most recent release of his work. NOTE OF WARNING, Guido will kick your butt if you cheat in the new version and take everything you have. **WARRIOR'S GRAVEYARD** v1.10 This really isn't that big of a deal...but if it's the only IGM in the realm, it's still an advantage. If you buy your lemonade, you will notice that you can't buy it again...but if you leave and come back, it will let you! If it says "You feel vigorous, I wonder what that means?", It means that you may flirt again, with Violet, Seth, or the grave digger but not another player. You can also completely change your name and re-enter as a new player and go through the entire IGM again. **WARRIOR'S VILLAGE** rename armor/weapon to `k, `S or `} **WEAPON'S OF WAR** v2.53b Before killing the dragon stash everything into this IGM, it will all be there waiting for you when you restart. You can get tons of gems in this IGM as well. Go to the bank, and pick the option to sell your gems. You have to have at least 1 gem on hand to make this work. ...i.e., you can sell -32000 gems...and get 32,000 gems...of course, your money on hand will go into the negatives, but that can easily be fixed by either going into the LORD bank and leaving without making any transaction, or exiting the game, and then coming back in. **WISE ONE, THE** Transfer your gold to someone else, go in and ask for gold. Do it over and over. (This on may be fixed so that you can only go into it one time.) **XENON'S TOWN SQUARE** XENON-V1.ZIP You can get tons of free gold and gems in this IGM. Go to the bank and deposit a negative amount of gems and/or gold. This works great in version 3.50+, when you can cash them in all at one time. THIS HAS BEEN REPAIRED in Xenon's Town Square v2.00 Please do this author the courtesy of using only the most recent release of his work. **NEGATIVE GOLD** Contributed by Stanley Chiu If you go into negative gold in some way, DO NOT go in and out of the bank. The 100 gold compensation is a pretty shoddy one. What you SHOULD do is THIS: When you see you have negative gold, leave LORD. Upon re-entry, you'll see that you have two billion gold on hand. The reason is pretty simple...; LORD naturally assumes you obtained negative gold because you went OVER the 2,147,483,617 limit, so it gives you two billion back, because it doesn't want to "cheat" you. ***WORDS OF WISDOM FROM THE "GREAT" NAPALM RUNNER*** If you exceed the limited amount of gold, or experience which is right around 2.147 billion, it will revert you back to 2 billion gold, and the same amount of experience. Experience is not that big a deal. Your hit points, strength, and defense will go into the negative if you exceed 32,767. When this happens to your strength or defense or in some occasions both, sell the equipment, and it will drop you down. If it is hit points that has gone over the 32,767 limit, purchase gems and redeem them at the bartenders. Instead of going up, it will go down and take you out of the negative. For more hints, tips, and information about the game LORD, and the IGM's, read the FIDO LORD Door Game Discussion ECHO. THIS FILE AND ALL PRECEDING BY THIS AUTHOR ARE NOW PROTECTED UNDER THE COPYRIGHT LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ANY REPRODUCTION OR OTHER UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THE MATERIAL HEREIN IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF: DOC & SY ENTERPRISE @1997